Information Delivery Specification (IDS)

Information Delivery Specification (IDS)

Information Delivery Specification (IDS) is a standard in development from buildingSMART International for defining information requirements in a way that is easily read by humans and interpreted by computers. It is a document that defines the information requirements for a construction project including the format, level of detail, and level of information required for each stage of the project lifecycle. IDS plays a crucial role in standardizing the exchange of information among project stakeholders, ensuring consistency and transparency throughout the project’s lifecycle. 

The international community has recognized IDS as the most beneficial approach for automated compliance checks through the validation of alphanumeric information requirements. It enables to precisely specify information needs, providing project participants a clearer understanding of what is expected from them. Traditionally, information requirements have been communicated through non-computer-interpretable formats, (e.g., PDF file format).  

In BEXEL Manager, there are two workflows for automated data checks, one is verification of BIM model data based on Information Delivery Specification Templates and the second is automated IDS check based on international BuildingSmart standard. 

Automation of BIM model verification process using Property Checker module can provide significant results in performing standardized or customized BIM checks based on defined information delivery specification. Once created, the Property Checker template can be used or adjusted on any other project where the model is checked based on the same rules. Property check results can be shared with other stakeholders through Common Data Environment (CDE) in the form of shared PBI dashboards or by sharing them using a BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) file. 

BEXEL Manager Property Checker also enables importing of already created IDS files. Once the process is finished, selection sets can be automatically generated for all rules or just some of them containing elements that fail to meet the specified information requirements defined in IDS specification. Selection sets can be easily sent to the responsible person with BCF exchange to check and resolve detected issues. 


A comprehensive overview of both BEXEL Manager Property Checker workflows is explained in  BEXEL Data Verification Webinar. 



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