Benefits of using BIM – Contractors and Project Managers

Benefits of using BIM Contractors and Project Managers

Tendering Phase

Using BEXEL Manager BIM technology in construction offers substantial advantages during the tendering phase, including reduced risk margins and enhanced bid quality through comprehensive project insights, detailed planning, and early identification of potential pitfalls. Organizations leveraging BIM technology report achieving bid success rates 20% higher than industry averages. Furthermore, standardizing work classification and cost structures streamlines bid preparation, resulting in faster response times to opportunities and decreased overall bidding costs.

Tendering and Planning Phase

During these phases BIM enables quick development of construction schedules, with the capability to develop and explore various what if scenarios efficiently. Detailed 4D/5D simulations visually present project execution strategies to investors, fostering trust and increasing proposal success rates by 10%. Integrated 4D/5D BIM ensures fully coordinated designs, minimizing costly on-site modifications and rework by up to 90%, thus eliminating time waste and additional expenses. By providing precise quantity take-offs and location-based scheduling, BIM optimizes construction schedules (information-rich schedule: quantity-loaded, cost and resource-loaded), reducing spatial-time conflicts by 98%. Automated schedule integrity checks improve schedule quality. BEXEL Manager smart scheduling results with 20% shorter construction durations and efficient resource allocation, reducing idle time and waste by 70%.


Bexel Manager facilitates precise and timely top management insights into project earned value analysis, productivity, and key performance indicators (KPIs), empowering data-driven construction management decisions.

Construction phase

During the construction phase, BEXEL Manager continues to deliver value on the project through color-coded 4D/5D simulations that provide insights into tasks on critical path, delays, task progress, subcontractors, and various key performance indicators (KPIs) or any other attribute schedule includes. Automated generation of data-rich look-ahead plans streamlines construction management and subcontractors’ coordination.

Integrated 4D/5D BIM technology revolutionizes project management by seamlessly incorporating time and cost dimensions into the traditional 3D model. With the following capabilities, BEXEL Manager BIM solution empowers project teams to achieve high levels of efficiency, accuracy, and safety throughout the project lifecycle: 

  • Time-distributed material take-off, providing precise inputs for procurement planning.
  • A twentyfold acceleration in the preparation of precise interim payment certificates, streamlining financial processes.
  • Proactive and substantiated analysis of additional works and delays, enabling efficient problem-solving.
  • Mitigation of safety risks through detailed visualization of the construction process, ensuring a secure working environment.
  • Cross-project efficiency tracking and management, optimizing resource allocation and scheduling.
  • Smooth data integration with third-party ERP solutions, facilitating seamless workflow integration across platforms.



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