Bexel Manager API Documentation
Classes | |
class | Calendar |
Represents working and non-working time periods for tasks and resources. More... | |
class | CalendarDailyWorkingHours |
Represents a collection of all daily working hours within the Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Calendar. More... | |
class | CalendarException |
Represents altered work times that occur on a regular schedule. (e.g. every week, every month, every second year). More... | |
class | CalendarExceptionID |
class | CalendarExceptions |
class | CalendarID |
interface | IAggregatedElementProgressCostProvider |
interface | IAggregatedElementProgressQuantityProvider |
interface | IAggregatedElementProgressValueProvider |
interface | IReadOnlyTaskPredefinedPropertyCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of predefined Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskPropertys. More... | |
interface | IReadOnlyTaskPredefinedPropertyDefinitionCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of predefined Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskPropertyDefinitions. More... | |
interface | IReadOnlyTaskPropertyCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskPropertys. More... | |
interface | IReadOnlyTaskPropertyDefinitionCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskPropertyDefinitions. More... | |
interface | IScheduleTasks |
Represents a collection of all tasks within the Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Schedule. More... | |
interface | ITaskRelationCollection |
Represents a collection of Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskRelations. More... | |
class | Schedule |
Represents a schedule (collection) of Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Tasks. More... | |
class | ScheduleCalendars |
class | ScheduleID |
class | ScheduleResource |
Represents material, labor or equipment utilized to perform work on elements. More... | |
class | ScheduleResourceActualCost |
class | ScheduleResourceActualQuantity |
class | ScheduleResourceCost |
class | ScheduleResourceQuantity |
class | ScheduleResourceRemainingCost |
class | ScheduleResourceRemainingQuantity |
class | ScheduleTaskCustomPropertyDefinitions |
class | ScheduleTaskPredefinedPropertyDefinitions |
class | ScheduleTaskPropertyDefinitions |
Represents a collection of all task property definitions that are contained within the schedule. More... | |
class | ScheduleTasks |
class | Task |
Represents an identifiable unit of work to be carried out in a construction project. More... | |
class | TaskActivities |
class | TaskActivity |
Represents cost and time estimation assigned to a group of elements based on calculated quantities. More... | |
class | TaskActivityActualCost |
class | TaskActivityActualQuantity |
class | TaskActivityAssignments |
class | TaskActivityCost |
class | TaskActivityElements |
class | TaskActivityEquipmentActualCost |
class | TaskActivityEquipmentCost |
class | TaskActivityEquipmentRemainingCost |
class | TaskActivityEquipmentSupplementActualCost |
class | TaskActivityEquipmentSupplementCost |
class | TaskActivityEquipmentSupplementRemainingCost |
class | TaskActivityLaborActualCost |
class | TaskActivityLaborCost |
class | TaskActivityLaborRemainingCost |
class | TaskActivityLaborSupplementActualCost |
class | TaskActivityLaborSupplementCost |
class | TaskActivityLaborSupplementRemainingCost |
class | TaskActivityMaterialActualCost |
class | TaskActivityMaterialCost |
class | TaskActivityMaterialRemainingCost |
class | TaskActivityMaterialSupplementActualCost |
class | TaskActivityMaterialSupplementCost |
class | TaskActivityMaterialSupplementRemainingCost |
class | TaskActivityOtherActualCost |
class | TaskActivityOtherCost |
class | TaskActivityOtherRemainingCost |
class | TaskActivityQuantity |
class | TaskActivityRefExtender |
class | TaskActivityRemainingCost |
class | TaskActivityRemainingQuantity |
class | TaskActivityResource |
class | TaskActivityResources |
class | TaskActivitySubcontractorActualCost |
class | TaskActivitySubcontractorCost |
class | TaskActivitySubcontractorRemainingCost |
class | TaskActualCost |
class | TaskBooleanCustomProperty |
class | TaskBooleanPredefinedProperty |
class | TaskBooleanProperty |
Represents a property which stores a boolean value (true or false). More... | |
class | TaskCalendar |
class | TaskChildren |
class | TaskColor |
class | TaskConstraint |
Represents time constraint used by time engine to calculate the task's start and finish dates. More... | |
class | TaskConstraintTypeExtender |
class | TaskConstraintTypeRefExtender |
class | TaskCost |
class | TaskCustomProperties |
class | TaskCustomPropertyDefinition |
class | TaskCustomPropertyDefinitionID |
class | TaskCustomPropertyRefExtender |
class | TaskCustomPropertyTypeRefExtender |
class | TaskDateTimeCustomProperty |
class | TaskDateTimePredefinedProperty |
class | TaskDateTimeProperty |
Represents a property which holds a date time value. More... | |
class | TaskDuration |
class | TaskElement |
Represents an identifiable unit of work to be carried out on a single element. More... | |
class | TaskElementDates |
class | TaskElements |
class | TaskEquipmentActualCost |
class | TaskEquipmentCost |
class | TaskEquipmentRemainingCost |
class | TaskEquipmentSupplementActualCost |
class | TaskEquipmentSupplementCost |
class | TaskEquipmentSupplementRemainingCost |
class | TaskID |
class | TaskLaborActualCost |
class | TaskLaborCost |
class | TaskLaborRemainingCost |
class | TaskLaborSupplementActualCost |
class | TaskLaborSupplementCost |
class | TaskLaborSupplementRemainingCost |
class | TaskLinkRules |
Represents a collection of task link rules. Task link rules define how the task is associated with the elements. More... | |
class | TaskMaterialActualCost |
class | TaskMaterialCost |
class | TaskMaterialRemainigCost |
class | TaskMaterialSupplementActualCost |
class | TaskMaterialSupplementCost |
class | TaskMaterialSupplementRemainingCost |
class | TaskNumericCustomProperty |
class | TaskNumericPredefinedProperty |
class | TaskNumericProperty |
Represents a property which holds a numerical value. More... | |
class | TaskOtherActualCost |
class | TaskOtherCost |
class | TaskOtherRemainingCost |
class | TaskPredefinedProperties |
class | TaskPredefinedPropertyDefinition |
class | TaskPredefinedPropertyDefinitionID |
class | TaskPredefinedPropertyRefExtender |
class | TaskPredefinedPropertyTypeExtender |
class | TaskPredefinedPropertyTypeRefExtender |
class | TaskProgressStatus |
class | TaskProperties |
Represents a collection of all task properties that are contained within the task. More... | |
class | TaskProperty |
Represents a base type for all other task properties. More... | |
class | TaskPropertyDefinition |
Represents a base object for all properties within a Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Schedule. More... | |
class | TaskPropertyDefinitionID |
A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskPropertyDefinition within a single Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Schedule. More... | |
class | TaskPropertyDefinitionUnitTypeExtender |
class | TaskRelation |
Represents a single relation between a predecessor and successor Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Task. More... | |
class | TaskRelationCollection |
class | TaskRelationDictionary |
class | TaskRelationID |
class | TaskRelationLagTypeExtender |
class | TaskRelationLagTypeRefExtender |
class | TaskRelationPredecessorsDictionary |
class | TaskRelations |
Represents a collection of all predecessor and successor task relations within the Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Task. More... | |
class | TaskRelationSuccessorsDictionary |
class | TaskRelationTypeExtender |
class | TaskRelationTypeRefExtender |
class | TaskRemainingCost |
class | TaskResource |
class | TaskResources |
class | TaskSubcontractorActualCost |
class | TaskSubcontractorCost |
class | TaskSubcontractorRemainingCost |
class | TaskTextCustomProperty |
class | TaskTextPredefinedProperty |
class | TaskTextProperty |
Represents a property which holds a string value. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | TaskPredefinedPropertyType { None = 0, StartDate = 1, FinishDate = 2, TaskSettingsWorkValue = 3, TaskType = 4, IsLeaf = 5, Name = 6, Calendar = 7, TaskConstraint = 8, HasProgress = 9, HasElements = 10, HasLinkRuleWarning = 11, HasCreationRuleWarning = 12, HasDistributionWarning = 13, HasRelationWarning = 14, HasConstraintWarning = 15, HasOverallocationWarning = 16, HasTimeWarning = 17, Duration = 18, TimeSpan = 19, LinkRules = 20, HasLinkRule = 21, ElementCount = 22, Predeccessors = 23, Successors = 24, HasLinkedDocuments = 25, TaskConstraintDate = 26, TotalCost = 27, MaterialCost = 28, LaborCost = 29, EquipmentCost = 30, FixedCost = 31, ID = 32, IsCritical = 33, EarlyStartDate = 34, EarlyFinishDate = 35, LateStartDate = 36, LateFinishDate = 37, TotalFloat = 38, HasProgressWarning = 39, Path = 40, IsCompleted = 41, BaselineStartDate = 42, BaselineFinishDate = 43, BaselineIsLeaf = 44, BaselineName = 45, BaselineDuration = 46, BaselineTimeSpan = 47, BaselineTotalCost = 48, BaselineMaterialCost = 49, BaselineLaborCost = 50, BaselineEquipmentCost = 51, BaselineFixedCost = 52, BaselineIsCritical = 53, BaselineEarlyStartDate = 54, BaselineEarlyFinishDate = 55, BaselineLateStartDate = 56, BaselineLateFinishDate = 57, BaselineTotalFloat = 58, CostCompletionPercentage = 59, ActualCost = 60, DurationDays = 61, PlannedValue = 62, EarnedValue = 63, CostVariance = 64, CostVariancePercentage = 65, CostPerformaceIndex = 66, ScheduleVariance = 67, ScheduleVariancePercentage = 68, SchedulePerformanceIndex = 69, VarianceAtCompletion = 70, EstimateAtCompletion = 71, ToCompletePerformanceIndex = 72, OtherCost = 73, SubcontractorCost = 74, BaselineOtherCost = 75, BaselineSubcontractorCost = 76 } |
Represents the type of the predefined Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskProperty. More... | |
enum | TaskPropertyDefinitionType { TaskPropertyDefinitionType.Predefined = 0, TaskPropertyDefinitionType.Custom = 1 } |
Represents the task property definition type. More... | |
enum | TaskConstraintType { AsSoonAsPossible = 0, AsLateAsPossible = 1, FinishNoEarlier = 2, FinishNoLater = 3, MustFinishOn = 4, MustStartOn = 5, StartNoEarlier = 6, StartNoLater = 7 } |
Represents the type of task constraint. More... | |
enum | TaskProgressStatusType { TaskProgressStatusType.NotStarted = 0, TaskProgressStatusType.InProgress = 1, TaskProgressStatusType.Completed = 2 } |
Represents the progress status type. More... | |
enum | TaskPropertyDefinitionUnitType { Numeric = 0, Text = 1, DateTime = 2, Boolean = 3 } |
Represents the unit type of the Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskProperty. More... | |
enum | TaskRelationLagType { TaskRelationLagType.WorkingHours = 0, TaskRelationLagType.Hours = 1, TaskRelationLagType.DurationPercentage = 2, TaskRelationLagType.Days = 3 } |
Represents the quantity unit in which relation's lag is represented. More... | |
enum | TaskRelationType { StartStart = 0, StartFinish = 1, FinishStart = 2, FinishFinish = 3 } |
Represents the task relation type. More... | |
strong |
Represents the type of task constraint.
strong |
Represents the type of the predefined Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskProperty.
strong |
strong |
Represents the unit type of the Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskProperty.
strong |
strong |
Represents the task relation type.