Bexel Manager API Documentation
Bexel.Api.Scheduling Namespace Reference


class  Calendar
 Represents working and non-working time periods for tasks and resources. More...
class  CalendarDailyWorkingHours
 Represents a collection of all daily working hours within the Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Calendar. More...
class  CalendarException
 Represents altered work times that occur on a regular schedule. (e.g. every week, every month, every second year). More...
class  CalendarExceptionID
class  CalendarExceptions
class  CalendarID
interface  IAggregatedElementProgressCostProvider
interface  IAggregatedElementProgressQuantityProvider
interface  IAggregatedElementProgressValueProvider
interface  IReadOnlyTaskPredefinedPropertyCollection
 Represents a read-only collection of predefined Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskPropertys. More...
interface  IReadOnlyTaskPredefinedPropertyDefinitionCollection
 Represents a read-only collection of predefined Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskPropertyDefinitions. More...
interface  IReadOnlyTaskPropertyCollection
 Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskPropertys. More...
interface  IReadOnlyTaskPropertyDefinitionCollection
 Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskPropertyDefinitions. More...
interface  IScheduleTasks
 Represents a collection of all tasks within the Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Schedule. More...
interface  ITaskRelationCollection
 Represents a collection of Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskRelations. More...
class  Schedule
 Represents a schedule (collection) of Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Tasks. More...
class  ScheduleCalendars
class  ScheduleID
class  ScheduleResource
 Represents material, labor or equipment utilized to perform work on elements. More...
class  ScheduleResourceActualCost
class  ScheduleResourceActualQuantity
class  ScheduleResourceCost
class  ScheduleResourceQuantity
class  ScheduleResourceRemainingCost
class  ScheduleResourceRemainingQuantity
class  ScheduleTaskCustomPropertyDefinitions
class  ScheduleTaskPredefinedPropertyDefinitions
class  ScheduleTaskPropertyDefinitions
 Represents a collection of all task property definitions that are contained within the schedule. More...
class  ScheduleTasks
class  Task
 Represents an identifiable unit of work to be carried out in a construction project. More...
class  TaskActivities
class  TaskActivity
 Represents cost and time estimation assigned to a group of elements based on calculated quantities. More...
class  TaskActivityActualCost
class  TaskActivityActualQuantity
class  TaskActivityAssignments
class  TaskActivityCost
class  TaskActivityElements
class  TaskActivityEquipmentActualCost
class  TaskActivityEquipmentCost
class  TaskActivityEquipmentRemainingCost
class  TaskActivityEquipmentSupplementActualCost
class  TaskActivityEquipmentSupplementCost
class  TaskActivityEquipmentSupplementRemainingCost
class  TaskActivityLaborActualCost
class  TaskActivityLaborCost
class  TaskActivityLaborRemainingCost
class  TaskActivityLaborSupplementActualCost
class  TaskActivityLaborSupplementCost
class  TaskActivityLaborSupplementRemainingCost
class  TaskActivityMaterialActualCost
class  TaskActivityMaterialCost
class  TaskActivityMaterialRemainingCost
class  TaskActivityMaterialSupplementActualCost
class  TaskActivityMaterialSupplementCost
class  TaskActivityMaterialSupplementRemainingCost
class  TaskActivityOtherActualCost
class  TaskActivityOtherCost
class  TaskActivityOtherRemainingCost
class  TaskActivityQuantity
class  TaskActivityRefExtender
class  TaskActivityRemainingCost
class  TaskActivityRemainingQuantity
class  TaskActivityResource
class  TaskActivityResources
class  TaskActivitySubcontractorActualCost
class  TaskActivitySubcontractorCost
class  TaskActivitySubcontractorRemainingCost
class  TaskActualCost
class  TaskBooleanCustomProperty
class  TaskBooleanPredefinedProperty
class  TaskBooleanProperty
 Represents a property which stores a boolean value (true or false). More...
class  TaskCalendar
class  TaskChildren
class  TaskColor
class  TaskConstraint
 Represents time constraint used by time engine to calculate the task's start and finish dates. More...
class  TaskConstraintTypeExtender
class  TaskConstraintTypeRefExtender
class  TaskCost
class  TaskCustomProperties
class  TaskCustomPropertyDefinition
class  TaskCustomPropertyDefinitionID
class  TaskCustomPropertyRefExtender
class  TaskCustomPropertyTypeRefExtender
class  TaskDateTimeCustomProperty
class  TaskDateTimePredefinedProperty
class  TaskDateTimeProperty
 Represents a property which holds a date time value. More...
class  TaskDuration
class  TaskElement
 Represents an identifiable unit of work to be carried out on a single element. More...
class  TaskElementDates
class  TaskElements
class  TaskEquipmentActualCost
class  TaskEquipmentCost
class  TaskEquipmentRemainingCost
class  TaskEquipmentSupplementActualCost
class  TaskEquipmentSupplementCost
class  TaskEquipmentSupplementRemainingCost
class  TaskID
class  TaskLaborActualCost
class  TaskLaborCost
class  TaskLaborRemainingCost
class  TaskLaborSupplementActualCost
class  TaskLaborSupplementCost
class  TaskLaborSupplementRemainingCost
class  TaskLinkRules
 Represents a collection of task link rules. Task link rules define how the task is associated with the elements. More...
class  TaskMaterialActualCost
class  TaskMaterialCost
class  TaskMaterialRemainigCost
class  TaskMaterialSupplementActualCost
class  TaskMaterialSupplementCost
class  TaskMaterialSupplementRemainingCost
class  TaskNumericCustomProperty
class  TaskNumericPredefinedProperty
class  TaskNumericProperty
 Represents a property which holds a numerical value. More...
class  TaskOtherActualCost
class  TaskOtherCost
class  TaskOtherRemainingCost
class  TaskPredefinedProperties
class  TaskPredefinedPropertyDefinition
class  TaskPredefinedPropertyDefinitionID
class  TaskPredefinedPropertyRefExtender
class  TaskPredefinedPropertyTypeExtender
class  TaskPredefinedPropertyTypeRefExtender
class  TaskProgressStatus
class  TaskProperties
 Represents a collection of all task properties that are contained within the task. More...
class  TaskProperty
 Represents a base type for all other task properties. More...
class  TaskPropertyDefinition
 Represents a base object for all properties within a Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Schedule. More...
class  TaskPropertyDefinitionID
 A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskPropertyDefinition within a single Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Schedule. More...
class  TaskPropertyDefinitionUnitTypeExtender
class  TaskRelation
 Represents a single relation between a predecessor and successor Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Task. More...
class  TaskRelationCollection
class  TaskRelationDictionary
class  TaskRelationID
class  TaskRelationLagTypeExtender
class  TaskRelationLagTypeRefExtender
class  TaskRelationPredecessorsDictionary
class  TaskRelations
 Represents a collection of all predecessor and successor task relations within the Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Task. More...
class  TaskRelationSuccessorsDictionary
class  TaskRelationTypeExtender
class  TaskRelationTypeRefExtender
class  TaskRemainingCost
class  TaskResource
class  TaskResources
class  TaskSubcontractorActualCost
class  TaskSubcontractorCost
class  TaskSubcontractorRemainingCost
class  TaskTextCustomProperty
class  TaskTextPredefinedProperty
class  TaskTextProperty
 Represents a property which holds a string value. More...


enum  TaskPredefinedPropertyType {
  None = 0, StartDate = 1, FinishDate = 2, TaskSettingsWorkValue = 3,
  TaskType = 4, IsLeaf = 5, Name = 6, Calendar = 7,
  TaskConstraint = 8, HasProgress = 9, HasElements = 10, HasLinkRuleWarning = 11,
  HasCreationRuleWarning = 12, HasDistributionWarning = 13, HasRelationWarning = 14, HasConstraintWarning = 15,
  HasOverallocationWarning = 16, HasTimeWarning = 17, Duration = 18, TimeSpan = 19,
  LinkRules = 20, HasLinkRule = 21, ElementCount = 22, Predeccessors = 23,
  Successors = 24, HasLinkedDocuments = 25, TaskConstraintDate = 26, TotalCost = 27,
  MaterialCost = 28, LaborCost = 29, EquipmentCost = 30, FixedCost = 31,
  ID = 32, IsCritical = 33, EarlyStartDate = 34, EarlyFinishDate = 35,
  LateStartDate = 36, LateFinishDate = 37, TotalFloat = 38, HasProgressWarning = 39,
  Path = 40, IsCompleted = 41, BaselineStartDate = 42, BaselineFinishDate = 43,
  BaselineIsLeaf = 44, BaselineName = 45, BaselineDuration = 46, BaselineTimeSpan = 47,
  BaselineTotalCost = 48, BaselineMaterialCost = 49, BaselineLaborCost = 50, BaselineEquipmentCost = 51,
  BaselineFixedCost = 52, BaselineIsCritical = 53, BaselineEarlyStartDate = 54, BaselineEarlyFinishDate = 55,
  BaselineLateStartDate = 56, BaselineLateFinishDate = 57, BaselineTotalFloat = 58, CostCompletionPercentage = 59,
  ActualCost = 60, DurationDays = 61, PlannedValue = 62, EarnedValue = 63,
  CostVariance = 64, CostVariancePercentage = 65, CostPerformaceIndex = 66, ScheduleVariance = 67,
  ScheduleVariancePercentage = 68, SchedulePerformanceIndex = 69, VarianceAtCompletion = 70, EstimateAtCompletion = 71,
  ToCompletePerformanceIndex = 72, OtherCost = 73, SubcontractorCost = 74, BaselineOtherCost = 75,
  BaselineSubcontractorCost = 76
 Represents the type of the predefined Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskProperty. More...
enum  TaskPropertyDefinitionType { TaskPropertyDefinitionType.Predefined = 0, TaskPropertyDefinitionType.Custom = 1 }
 Represents the task property definition type. More...
enum  TaskConstraintType {
  AsSoonAsPossible = 0, AsLateAsPossible = 1, FinishNoEarlier = 2, FinishNoLater = 3,
  MustFinishOn = 4, MustStartOn = 5, StartNoEarlier = 6, StartNoLater = 7
 Represents the type of task constraint. More...
enum  TaskProgressStatusType { TaskProgressStatusType.NotStarted = 0, TaskProgressStatusType.InProgress = 1, TaskProgressStatusType.Completed = 2 }
 Represents the progress status type. More...
enum  TaskPropertyDefinitionUnitType { Numeric = 0, Text = 1, DateTime = 2, Boolean = 3 }
 Represents the unit type of the Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskProperty. More...
enum  TaskRelationLagType { TaskRelationLagType.WorkingHours = 0, TaskRelationLagType.Hours = 1, TaskRelationLagType.DurationPercentage = 2, TaskRelationLagType.Days = 3 }
 Represents the quantity unit in which relation's lag is represented. More...
enum  TaskRelationType { StartStart = 0, StartFinish = 1, FinishStart = 2, FinishFinish = 3 }
 Represents the task relation type. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ TaskConstraintType

Represents the type of task constraint.

◆ TaskPredefinedPropertyType

Represents the type of the predefined Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskProperty.

◆ TaskProgressStatusType

Represents the progress status type.


The task does not have progress entered.


The task has progress entered but is not completed.


All task elements and activities are completed.

◆ TaskPropertyDefinitionType

Represents the task property definition type.


Predefined task properties are automatically added and calculated by the system.


Custom task properties are user-defined.

◆ TaskPropertyDefinitionUnitType

◆ TaskRelationLagType

Represents the quantity unit in which relation's lag is represented.


Working hours of the task relation calendar.


Duration hours.


Percentage of predecessor's task duration.


Duration days.

◆ TaskRelationType

Represents the task relation type.