Bexel Manager API Documentation
Namespaces |
Classes | |
struct | AABB3D |
Represents an axis-aligned bounding box in 3-dimensional space. More... | |
class | ActiveProjectMonitor |
class | ApiException |
Represents the base type for all other API exceptions. More... | |
class | ApiObject |
Represents a base type for all other API objects. API object is a managed wrapper around a native data object. More... | |
class | ApiReadonlyDictionary |
class | Application |
Represents a host application, providing access to various app related events, methods and the active Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | ApplicationUI |
Represents the UI part of the host application. More... | |
class | Building |
Represents a single building within a Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | BuildingElements |
Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.Building. More... | |
class | BuildingID |
A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Building within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | BuildingProperties |
Represents a collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.Building. More... | |
class | BuildingStorey |
Represents a single storey within a Bexel.Api.Building. More... | |
class | BuildingStoreyElements |
Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.BuildingStorey. More... | |
class | BuildingStoreyID |
A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.BuildingStorey within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | BuildingStoreyProperties |
Represents a collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.BuildingStorey. More... | |
class | BuildingStoreys |
Represents a read-only collection of storeys within the Bexel.Api.Building. More... | |
class | Category |
Represents an Bexel.Api.Element category, such as Wall or Beam. More... | |
class | CategoryElements |
Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.Category. More... | |
class | CategoryFamilies |
Represents a read-only collection of families within the Bexel.Api.Category. More... | |
class | CategoryID |
A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Category within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | CategoryTypeExtender |
class | DockableApiControlNotFoundException |
An exception that is thrown when the specified dockable control wasn't found. More... | |
class | Element |
Represents a single element within a Bexel.Api.Project. E.g. a Wall or a Beam instance. More... | |
class | ElementAllProperties |
class | ElementClassExtender |
class | ElementGeometry |
Represents the geometrical representation associated with the element. More... | |
class | ElementID |
A unique identification for an Bexel.Api.Element within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | ElementMaterials |
Represents a read-only collection of materials within the Bexel.Api.Element. More... | |
class | ElementProperties |
Represents a collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.Element. More... | |
class | ElementRelation |
Represents a single relation between a relating (from) and related (to) Bexel.Api.Element. More... | |
class | ElementRelations |
Represents a read-only collection of relations within the Bexel.Api.Element. More... | |
class | ElementRelationTypeExtender |
class | ElementSettings |
Represents all settings associated with the Bexel.Api.Element. More... | |
class | ElementSettingsViewer3D |
Represents all 3D viewer settings associated with the Bexel.Api.Element. More... | |
class | ElementSource |
Represents a single source of Bexel.Api.Elements. More... | |
class | ElementSourceElements |
Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.ElementSource. More... | |
class | ElementSourceID |
A unique identification for an Bexel.Api.ElementSource within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | ElementSourceProperties |
Represents a read-only collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.ElementSource. More... | |
class | ElementSystem |
Represents a single MEP system which groups one or many Bexel.Api.Elements. More... | |
class | ElementSystemElements |
Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.ElementSystem. More... | |
class | ElementSystemID |
A unique identification for an Bexel.Api.ElementSystem within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | ElementSystemProperties |
Represents a read-only collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.ElementSystem. More... | |
class | ElementSystemTypeExtender |
class | Family |
Represents a family (type) of an Bexel.Api.Element. More... | |
class | FamilyElements |
Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.Family. More... | |
class | FamilyID |
A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Family within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | FamilyMaterialLayers |
Represents a read-only collection of material layers within the Bexel.Api.Family. More... | |
class | FamilyMaterials |
Represents a read-only collection of materials within the Bexel.Api.Family. More... | |
class | FamilyProperties |
Represents a collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.Family. More... | |
class | Geometry |
class | GeometryFactory |
class | GloballyUniqueID |
Represents a globally unique identifier (GUID). More... | |
interface | IActiveProvider |
Represents provider for the active item of a collection. More... | |
interface | IAddInContext |
Represents the context in which the add-in is executed in. More... | |
interface | IAggregatedElementCostProvider |
interface | IAggregatedElementQuantityProvider |
interface | IAggregatedElementValueProvider |
Represents provider for a value which is aggregated over many elements (e.g. cost or quantity assigned to a group of elements). See also Bexel.Api.IAggregatedElementValueProviderExtender. More... | |
class | IAggregatedElementValueProviderExtender |
Provides a set of static overloads for specifying a group of elements for which the aggregated value is provided. More... | |
class | IdentifiableApiObject |
Represents a base type for all API objects that are identified via id. More... | |
interface | IDockableControl |
Represents a dockable control in the host application UI. More... | |
class | IEnumerableExtender |
interface | IExternalApplication |
Represents the external application add-in. More... | |
interface | IExternalCommand |
Represents the external command add-in. More... | |
interface | IGeometry |
Represents a geometrical representation of an object. It is usually comprised of vertices/triangles but can also contain lines/edges (wireframe geometry). More... | |
class | InstancedGeometry |
Represents a geometrical representation of an object which is an instance of another Bexel.Api.Geometry with applied transform. More... | |
class | InvalidApiArgumentException |
The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid More... | |
class | InvalidApiObjectException |
The exception that is thrown when the invalid Bexel.Api.ApiObject is referenced. More... | |
class | InvalidApiOperationException |
The exception that is thrown when a method call is invalid for the object's current state. More... | |
interface | IProjectSchedules |
interface | IPropertyCollection |
Represents a collection of Bexel.Api.Propertys. More... | |
interface | IReadOnlyElementCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.Elements. More... | |
interface | IReadOnlyElementSystemCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.ElementSystems. More... | |
interface | IReadOnlyMaterialCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.Materials. More... | |
interface | IReadOnlyPropertyCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.Propertys. More... | |
interface | IReadOnlyPropertyDefinitionCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinitions. More... | |
interface | IRibbonButton |
Represents a button in the ribbon UI. More... | |
interface | IRibbonElement |
Represents an element in the ribbon UI. More... | |
interface | IRibbonGroup |
Represents a group in the ribbon UI. More... | |
interface | IRibbonTab |
Represents a tab in the ribbon UI. More... | |
interface | ITreeNode |
class | ITreeNodeExtender |
interface | IUIApplication |
Represents the UI part of the host application. More... | |
interface | IUIApplicationDockableControls |
Contains logic for embedding add-in user interface controls within the host application user interface layout. More... | |
class | Material |
Represents a single material assigned to an Bexel.Api.Element. More... | |
class | MaterialID |
A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Material within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | MaterialLayer |
Represents a single material layer within an Bexel.Api.Element. More... | |
class | MaterialProperties |
Represents a collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.Material. More... | |
class | NumericUtils |
struct | OBB3D |
Represents an object oriented bounding box in 3-dimensional space. More... | |
class | Project |
Represents a single project, the root of all other objects such as buildings, elements, properties, etc. More... | |
class | ProjectBatchChangeBlock |
class | ProjectBuildings |
Represents a read-only collection of buildings within the Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | ProjectCategories |
Represents a read-only collection of categories within the Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | ProjectClosedEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments passed when the project closes. More... | |
class | ProjectClosingEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments passed when the project is closing. More... | |
class | ProjectCost |
Represents all cost information within the Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | ProjectElementRelations |
Represents a read-only collection of element relations within the Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | ProjectElements |
Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | ProjectElementSources |
Represents a read-only collection of element sources within the Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | ProjectElementSystems |
Represents a read-only collection of element systems within the Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | ProjectFamilies |
Represents a read-only collection of families within the Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | ProjectFileStorage |
Represents file storage for storing additional files (e.g. add-in inputs, outputs, etc.) within the Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | ProjectID |
A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | ProjectMaterials |
Represents a read-only collection of materials within the Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | ProjectOpenedEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments passed when the project opens. More... | |
class | ProjectPropertyDefinition |
Represents a read-only collection of property definitions within the Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | ProjectSavedEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments passed when the project saves. More... | |
class | ProjectSchedules |
class | ProjectSelectionSets |
Represents a collection of all selection sets within the Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | PropertiesChangedEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments passed when properties are modified. More... | |
class | PropertiesMonitor |
class | Property |
Represents a base type for all other properties. More... | |
class | PropertyBool |
Represents a property which stores a boolean value (true or false). More... | |
class | PropertyCollection |
class | PropertyColor |
Represents a property which holds a color value. More... | |
class | PropertyDateTime |
Represents a property which holds a date time value. More... | |
class | PropertyDefinition |
Represents a base object for all properties within a Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | PropertyDefinitionID |
A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinition within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More... | |
class | PropertyDefinitionTypeExtender |
class | PropertyDefinitionUnitTypeExtender |
class | PropertyExtender |
class | PropertyNumeric |
Represents a property which holds a numerical value. More... | |
class | PropertyNumericExpresion |
Represents a property which holds a numerical value evaluated by an expression. More... | |
class | PropertyString |
Represents a property which holds a string value. More... | |
class | PropertyTimeSpan |
Represents a property which holds a time span value. More... | |
class | PropertyTypeExtender |
class | ReadOnlyElementCollection |
class | ReadOnlyElementSystemCollection |
class | ReadOnlyElementSystemGroup |
class | ReadOnlyMaterialCollection |
class | ReadOnlyPropertyCollection |
class | ReadOnlyPropertyDefinitionCategoryGroup |
class | ReadOnlyPropertyDefinitionCollection |
class | ReadOnlyPropertyDefinitionGroup |
class | ReadOnlyPropertyDefinitionSystemGroup |
class | ResourceTypeExtender |
struct | Segment3D |
Represents a segment in 3-dimensional space. More... | |
class | SelectedElementsCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of selected elements. More... | |
class | Selection |
Represents the current selection. More... | |
class | SelectionChangedEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments passed when current selection is modified. More... | |
class | SelectionClient |
struct | Triangle3D |
Represents a triangle in 3-dimensional space. More... | |
class | UnitTypeExtender |
class | ValueTypesExtender |
struct | Vector3D |
Represents a vector in 3-dimensional space. More... | |
class | Vector3FExtender |
class | Viewer3D |
Returns instance of the 3D Viewer within the host application. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | CategoryType { Undefined = 0, Abutment = 10, BridgeFraming, ExpansionJoints, Pier, StructuralTendons, VibrationManagement, AudioVisualDevice, FireProtection, FoodServiceEquipment, Hardscape, MedicalEquipment, Signage, TemporaryStructure, VerticalCirculation, Bearing, BridgeCable, BridgeDeck, Road, Zone, MechanicalControlDevice, PlumbingEquipment, Analytical, DataDevice, FabricationDuctworkStiffener, StructuralBeamSystem, StructuralFabricArea, StructuralFabricReinforcement, StructuralFraming, Toposolid, Truss, Wall = 100, Window, Door, Slab, Ceiling, Roof, Column, Ramp, Stairs, Railing, Furniture, Casework, AirTerminal, Pipe, FlexPipe, PipeFitting, Duct, FlexDuct, DuctFitting, PlumbingFixture, SpecialtyEquipment, MechanicalEquipment, Parking, CurtainPanel, CurtainWallMullion, StructuralFoundation, StructuralColumn, Beam, Space, WallSweep, GenericModel, Wire, ElectricalEquipment, Sprinkler, PipeAccessory, DuctAccessory, LightingDevice, TelephoneDevice, LightingFixture, ElectricalFixture, CurtainWall, CableTray, CableTrayFitting, Conduit, ConduitFitting, Planting, Part, FireAlarmDevice, Mass, CommunicationDevices, SecurityDevices, StructuralRebar, FurnitureSystem, CurtainSystem, StructuralConnection, Covering, Insulation, Member, Assembly, FlowSegment, FlowAccessory, FlowTerminal, FlowFitting, Valve, Damper, Tendon, Fastener, Plate, Transport, DiscreteAccessory, Site = 201 } |
Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.Category. More... | |
enum | DockableControlState { DockableControlState.Docked, DockableControlState.TabbedDocument, DockableControlState.Hidden, DockableControlState.AutoHide, DockableControlState.Floating } |
Defines the possible valid states for dockable controls. More... | |
enum | PropertiesChangeType { PropertiesChangeType.Mixed = 0, PropertiesChangeType.Added, PropertiesChangeType.Removed, PropertiesChangeType.Updated } |
Represents the type of properties change. More... | |
enum | PropertyDefinitionType { Undefined = 0, Category, Building, BuildingStorey, Source, System, Material, Workset } |
Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinition. More... | |
enum | PropertyDefinitionUnitNameType { Undefined = 0, Metre, SquareMetre, CubicMetre, Kilogram, Radian } |
Represents the unit name type of the Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinition. More... | |
enum | PropertyDefinitionUnitType { Undefined = 0, Numeric, Length, Area, Volume, TimeSpan, Mass, Angle, Text, Boolean, Color, DateTime } |
Represents the unit type of the Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinition. More... | |
enum | PropertyType { Undefined = 0, Numeric, Color, String, Bool, DateTime, TimeSpan } |
Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.Property. More... | |
enum | ElementRelationType : byte { Undefined = 0, RoomContains, ContainedInRoom, ConnectsRoomFrom, RoomConnectedByFrom, ConnectsRoomTo, RoomConnectedByTo, Decomposes, DecomposedBy, Hosts, HostedBy, BoundsRoomExternally, RoomBoundedByExternally, BoundsRoomInternally, RoomBoundedByInternally, ConnectedToMep, ConnectedToMepCurved, ConnectedToWalls, ZoneContains, ContainedInZone } |
Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.ElementRelation. More... | |
enum | ResourceType { Material = 0, Labor, Equipment } |
Represents the type of the resource. More... | |
enum | ResultType { Failed = -1, Succeeded = 0, Cancelled = 1 } |
enum | SelectionMode { SelectionMode.New = 0, SelectionMode.UnionWith = 1, SelectionMode.IntersectWith = 2, SelectionMode.Subtract = 3 } |
Represents the type of selection. More... | |
enum | ElementSystemType { Undefined = 0, FireProtectionDry, FireProtectionWet, FireProtectionPreAction, FireProtectionOther, SupplyAir, ReturnAir, ExhaustAir, Sanitary, DomesticColdWater, DomesticHotWater, HydronicSupply, HydronicReturn, Zone, FireAlarm, Security, Power, Comunication, Data, NurseCall, Control, Telephone, Other } |
Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.ElementSystem. More... | |
strong |
Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.Category.
strong |
Defines the possible valid states for dockable controls.
strong |
Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.ElementRelation.
strong |
Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.ElementSystem.
strong |
strong |
Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinition.
strong |
Represents the unit name type of the Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinition.
strong |
Represents the unit type of the Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinition.
strong |
Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.Property.
strong |
Represents the type of the resource.
strong |