Bexel Manager API Documentation
Bexel.Api Namespace Reference



struct  AABB3D
 Represents an axis-aligned bounding box in 3-dimensional space. More...
class  ActiveProjectMonitor
class  ApiException
 Represents the base type for all other API exceptions. More...
class  ApiObject
 Represents a base type for all other API objects. API object is a managed wrapper around a native data object. More...
class  ApiReadonlyDictionary
class  Application
 Represents a host application, providing access to various app related events, methods and the active Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  ApplicationUI
 Represents the UI part of the host application. More...
class  Building
 Represents a single building within a Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  BuildingElements
 Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.Building. More...
class  BuildingID
 A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Building within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  BuildingProperties
 Represents a collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.Building. More...
class  BuildingStorey
 Represents a single storey within a Bexel.Api.Building. More...
class  BuildingStoreyElements
 Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.BuildingStorey. More...
class  BuildingStoreyID
 A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.BuildingStorey within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  BuildingStoreyProperties
 Represents a collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.BuildingStorey. More...
class  BuildingStoreys
 Represents a read-only collection of storeys within the Bexel.Api.Building. More...
class  Category
 Represents an Bexel.Api.Element category, such as Wall or Beam. More...
class  CategoryElements
 Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.Category. More...
class  CategoryFamilies
 Represents a read-only collection of families within the Bexel.Api.Category. More...
class  CategoryID
 A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Category within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  CategoryTypeExtender
class  DockableApiControlNotFoundException
 An exception that is thrown when the specified dockable control wasn't found. More...
class  Element
 Represents a single element within a Bexel.Api.Project. E.g. a Wall or a Beam instance. More...
class  ElementAllProperties
class  ElementClassExtender
class  ElementGeometry
 Represents the geometrical representation associated with the element. More...
class  ElementID
 A unique identification for an Bexel.Api.Element within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  ElementMaterials
 Represents a read-only collection of materials within the Bexel.Api.Element. More...
class  ElementProperties
 Represents a collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.Element. More...
class  ElementRelation
 Represents a single relation between a relating (from) and related (to) Bexel.Api.Element. More...
class  ElementRelations
 Represents a read-only collection of relations within the Bexel.Api.Element. More...
class  ElementRelationTypeExtender
class  ElementSettings
 Represents all settings associated with the Bexel.Api.Element. More...
class  ElementSettingsViewer3D
 Represents all 3D viewer settings associated with the Bexel.Api.Element. More...
class  ElementSource
 Represents a single source of Bexel.Api.Elements. More...
class  ElementSourceElements
 Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.ElementSource. More...
class  ElementSourceID
 A unique identification for an Bexel.Api.ElementSource within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  ElementSourceProperties
 Represents a read-only collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.ElementSource. More...
class  ElementSystem
 Represents a single MEP system which groups one or many Bexel.Api.Elements. More...
class  ElementSystemElements
 Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.ElementSystem. More...
class  ElementSystemID
 A unique identification for an Bexel.Api.ElementSystem within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  ElementSystemProperties
 Represents a read-only collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.ElementSystem. More...
class  ElementSystemTypeExtender
class  Family
 Represents a family (type) of an Bexel.Api.Element. More...
class  FamilyElements
 Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.Family. More...
class  FamilyID
 A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Family within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  FamilyMaterialLayers
 Represents a read-only collection of material layers within the Bexel.Api.Family. More...
class  FamilyMaterials
 Represents a read-only collection of materials within the Bexel.Api.Family. More...
class  FamilyProperties
 Represents a collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.Family. More...
class  Geometry
class  GeometryFactory
class  GloballyUniqueID
 Represents a globally unique identifier (GUID). More...
interface  IActiveProvider
 Represents provider for the active item of a collection. More...
interface  IAddInContext
 Represents the context in which the add-in is executed in. More...
interface  IAggregatedElementCostProvider
interface  IAggregatedElementQuantityProvider
interface  IAggregatedElementValueProvider
 Represents provider for a value which is aggregated over many elements (e.g. cost or quantity assigned to a group of elements). See also Bexel.Api.IAggregatedElementValueProviderExtender. More...
class  IAggregatedElementValueProviderExtender
 Provides a set of static overloads for specifying a group of elements for which the aggregated value is provided. More...
class  IdentifiableApiObject
 Represents a base type for all API objects that are identified via id. More...
interface  IDockableControl
 Represents a dockable control in the host application UI. More...
class  IEnumerableExtender
interface  IExternalApplication
 Represents the external application add-in. More...
interface  IExternalCommand
 Represents the external command add-in. More...
interface  IGeometry
 Represents a geometrical representation of an object. It is usually comprised of vertices/triangles but can also contain lines/edges (wireframe geometry). More...
class  InstancedGeometry
 Represents a geometrical representation of an object which is an instance of another Bexel.Api.Geometry with applied transform. More...
class  InvalidApiArgumentException
 The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid More...
class  InvalidApiObjectException
 The exception that is thrown when the invalid Bexel.Api.ApiObject is referenced. More...
class  InvalidApiOperationException
 The exception that is thrown when a method call is invalid for the object's current state. More...
interface  IProjectSchedules
interface  IPropertyCollection
 Represents a collection of Bexel.Api.Propertys. More...
interface  IReadOnlyElementCollection
 Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.Elements. More...
interface  IReadOnlyElementSystemCollection
 Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.ElementSystems. More...
interface  IReadOnlyMaterialCollection
 Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.Materials. More...
interface  IReadOnlyPropertyCollection
 Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.Propertys. More...
interface  IReadOnlyPropertyDefinitionCollection
 Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinitions. More...
interface  IRibbonButton
 Represents a button in the ribbon UI. More...
interface  IRibbonElement
 Represents an element in the ribbon UI. More...
interface  IRibbonGroup
 Represents a group in the ribbon UI. More...
interface  IRibbonTab
 Represents a tab in the ribbon UI. More...
interface  ITreeNode
class  ITreeNodeExtender
interface  IUIApplication
 Represents the UI part of the host application. More...
interface  IUIApplicationDockableControls
 Contains logic for embedding add-in user interface controls within the host application user interface layout. More...
class  Material
 Represents a single material assigned to an Bexel.Api.Element. More...
class  MaterialID
 A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Material within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  MaterialLayer
 Represents a single material layer within an Bexel.Api.Element. More...
class  MaterialProperties
 Represents a collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.Material. More...
class  NumericUtils
struct  OBB3D
 Represents an object oriented bounding box in 3-dimensional space. More...
class  Project
 Represents a single project, the root of all other objects such as buildings, elements, properties, etc. More...
class  ProjectBatchChangeBlock
class  ProjectBuildings
 Represents a read-only collection of buildings within the Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  ProjectCategories
 Represents a read-only collection of categories within the Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  ProjectClosedEventArgs
 Represents the event arguments passed when the project closes. More...
class  ProjectClosingEventArgs
 Represents the event arguments passed when the project is closing. More...
class  ProjectCost
 Represents all cost information within the Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  ProjectElementRelations
 Represents a read-only collection of element relations within the Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  ProjectElements
 Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  ProjectElementSources
 Represents a read-only collection of element sources within the Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  ProjectElementSystems
 Represents a read-only collection of element systems within the Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  ProjectFamilies
 Represents a read-only collection of families within the Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  ProjectFileStorage
 Represents file storage for storing additional files (e.g. add-in inputs, outputs, etc.) within the Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  ProjectID
 A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  ProjectMaterials
 Represents a read-only collection of materials within the Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  ProjectOpenedEventArgs
 Represents the event arguments passed when the project opens. More...
class  ProjectPropertyDefinition
 Represents a read-only collection of property definitions within the Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  ProjectSavedEventArgs
 Represents the event arguments passed when the project saves. More...
class  ProjectSchedules
class  ProjectSelectionSets
 Represents a collection of all selection sets within the Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  PropertiesChangedEventArgs
 Represents the event arguments passed when properties are modified. More...
class  PropertiesMonitor
class  Property
 Represents a base type for all other properties. More...
class  PropertyBool
 Represents a property which stores a boolean value (true or false). More...
class  PropertyCollection
class  PropertyColor
 Represents a property which holds a color value. More...
class  PropertyDateTime
 Represents a property which holds a date time value. More...
class  PropertyDefinition
 Represents a base object for all properties within a Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  PropertyDefinitionID
 A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinition within a single Bexel.Api.Project. More...
class  PropertyDefinitionTypeExtender
class  PropertyDefinitionUnitTypeExtender
class  PropertyExtender
class  PropertyNumeric
 Represents a property which holds a numerical value. More...
class  PropertyNumericExpresion
 Represents a property which holds a numerical value evaluated by an expression. More...
class  PropertyString
 Represents a property which holds a string value. More...
class  PropertyTimeSpan
 Represents a property which holds a time span value. More...
class  PropertyTypeExtender
class  ReadOnlyElementCollection
class  ReadOnlyElementSystemCollection
class  ReadOnlyElementSystemGroup
class  ReadOnlyMaterialCollection
class  ReadOnlyPropertyCollection
class  ReadOnlyPropertyDefinitionCategoryGroup
class  ReadOnlyPropertyDefinitionCollection
class  ReadOnlyPropertyDefinitionGroup
class  ReadOnlyPropertyDefinitionSystemGroup
class  ResourceTypeExtender
struct  Segment3D
 Represents a segment in 3-dimensional space. More...
class  SelectedElementsCollection
 Represents a read-only collection of selected elements. More...
class  Selection
 Represents the current selection. More...
class  SelectionChangedEventArgs
 Represents the event arguments passed when current selection is modified. More...
class  SelectionClient
struct  Triangle3D
 Represents a triangle in 3-dimensional space. More...
class  UnitTypeExtender
class  ValueTypesExtender
struct  Vector3D
 Represents a vector in 3-dimensional space. More...
class  Vector3FExtender
class  Viewer3D
 Returns instance of the 3D Viewer within the host application. More...


enum  CategoryType {
  Undefined = 0, Abutment = 10, BridgeFraming, ExpansionJoints,
  Pier, StructuralTendons, VibrationManagement, AudioVisualDevice,
  FireProtection, FoodServiceEquipment, Hardscape, MedicalEquipment,
  Signage, TemporaryStructure, VerticalCirculation, Bearing,
  BridgeCable, BridgeDeck, Road, Zone,
  MechanicalControlDevice, PlumbingEquipment, Analytical, DataDevice,
  FabricationDuctworkStiffener, StructuralBeamSystem, StructuralFabricArea, StructuralFabricReinforcement,
  StructuralFraming, Toposolid, Truss, Wall = 100,
  Window, Door, Slab, Ceiling,
  Roof, Column, Ramp, Stairs,
  Railing, Furniture, Casework, AirTerminal,
  Pipe, FlexPipe, PipeFitting, Duct,
  FlexDuct, DuctFitting, PlumbingFixture, SpecialtyEquipment,
  MechanicalEquipment, Parking, CurtainPanel, CurtainWallMullion,
  StructuralFoundation, StructuralColumn, Beam, Space,
  WallSweep, GenericModel, Wire, ElectricalEquipment,
  Sprinkler, PipeAccessory, DuctAccessory, LightingDevice,
  TelephoneDevice, LightingFixture, ElectricalFixture, CurtainWall,
  CableTray, CableTrayFitting, Conduit, ConduitFitting,
  Planting, Part, FireAlarmDevice, Mass,
  CommunicationDevices, SecurityDevices, StructuralRebar, FurnitureSystem,
  CurtainSystem, StructuralConnection, Covering, Insulation,
  Member, Assembly, FlowSegment, FlowAccessory,
  FlowTerminal, FlowFitting, Valve, Damper,
  Tendon, Fastener, Plate, Transport,
  DiscreteAccessory, Site = 201
 Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.Category. More...
enum  DockableControlState {
  DockableControlState.Docked, DockableControlState.TabbedDocument, DockableControlState.Hidden, DockableControlState.AutoHide,
 Defines the possible valid states for dockable controls. More...
enum  PropertiesChangeType { PropertiesChangeType.Mixed = 0, PropertiesChangeType.Added, PropertiesChangeType.Removed, PropertiesChangeType.Updated }
 Represents the type of properties change. More...
enum  PropertyDefinitionType {
  Undefined = 0, Category, Building, BuildingStorey,
  Source, System, Material, Workset
 Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinition. More...
enum  PropertyDefinitionUnitNameType {
  Undefined = 0, Metre, SquareMetre, CubicMetre,
  Kilogram, Radian
 Represents the unit name type of the Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinition. More...
enum  PropertyDefinitionUnitType {
  Undefined = 0, Numeric, Length, Area,
  Volume, TimeSpan, Mass, Angle,
  Text, Boolean, Color, DateTime
 Represents the unit type of the Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinition. More...
enum  PropertyType {
  Undefined = 0, Numeric, Color, String,
  Bool, DateTime, TimeSpan
 Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.Property. More...
enum  ElementRelationType : byte {
  Undefined = 0, RoomContains, ContainedInRoom, ConnectsRoomFrom,
  RoomConnectedByFrom, ConnectsRoomTo, RoomConnectedByTo, Decomposes,
  DecomposedBy, Hosts, HostedBy, BoundsRoomExternally,
  RoomBoundedByExternally, BoundsRoomInternally, RoomBoundedByInternally, ConnectedToMep,
  ConnectedToMepCurved, ConnectedToWalls, ZoneContains, ContainedInZone
 Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.ElementRelation. More...
enum  ResourceType { Material = 0, Labor, Equipment }
 Represents the type of the resource. More...
enum  ResultType { Failed = -1, Succeeded = 0, Cancelled = 1 }
enum  SelectionMode { SelectionMode.New = 0, SelectionMode.UnionWith = 1, SelectionMode.IntersectWith = 2, SelectionMode.Subtract = 3 }
 Represents the type of selection. More...
enum  ElementSystemType {
  Undefined = 0, FireProtectionDry, FireProtectionWet, FireProtectionPreAction,
  FireProtectionOther, SupplyAir, ReturnAir, ExhaustAir,
  Sanitary, DomesticColdWater, DomesticHotWater, HydronicSupply,
  HydronicReturn, Zone, FireAlarm, Security,
  Power, Comunication, Data, NurseCall,
  Control, Telephone, Other
 Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.ElementSystem. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CategoryType

Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.Category.

◆ DockableControlState

Defines the possible valid states for dockable controls.


Indicates that the dockable control is docked.


Indicates that the dockable control is docked inside a TabbedDocument interface.


Indicates that the dockable control is in a hidden state.


Indicates that the dockable control is managed by the auto-hide subsystem.


Indicates that the dockable control is floating.

◆ ElementRelationType

enum Bexel.Api.ElementRelationType : byte

Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.ElementRelation.

◆ ElementSystemType

Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.ElementSystem.

◆ PropertiesChangeType

Represents the type of properties change.


Mixed changes.


One or many properties added.


One or many properties removed.


One or many properties updated.

◆ PropertyDefinitionType

Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinition.

◆ PropertyDefinitionUnitNameType

Represents the unit name type of the Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinition.

◆ PropertyDefinitionUnitType

Represents the unit type of the Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinition.

◆ PropertyType

Represents the type of the Bexel.Api.Property.

◆ ResourceType

Represents the type of the resource.

◆ SelectionMode

Represents the type of selection.


Creates a new selection.


Creates a union with the current selection.


Creates an intersection with the current selection.


Subtracts from the current selection.