▼NBexel | |
▶NApi | |
▶NCost | |
CCostAssignment | Represents cost estimation assigned to a group of elements based on calculated quantities. |
CCostAssignmentGroup | Represents a group (collection) of Bexel.Api.Cost.CostAssignments. |
CCostAssignmentResource | Represents material, labor or equipment utilized to perform work on cost assignment's elements. The amount of work is dependant on the quantity of cost assignment. |
CCostVersion | Represents a group (collection) of Bexel.Api.Cost.CostAssignments and Bexel.Api.Cost.CostAssignmentGroups within the Bexel.Api.Cost.CostVersion. |
CCostVersionChangedEventArgs | Represents the event arguments passed when cost version is modified. |
CCostVersionCostAssignmentGroups | Represents a collection of Bexel.Api.Cost.CostAssignmentGroups within the Bexel.Api.Cost.CostVersion. |
CCostVersionID | A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Cost.CostVersion within a single Bexel.Api.Project. |
CCostVersions | Represents a read-only collection of cost versions within the Bexel.Api.Project. |
▶NScheduling | |
CCalendar | Represents working and non-working time periods for tasks and resources. |
CCalendarDailyWorkingHours | Represents a collection of all daily working hours within the Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Calendar. |
CCalendarException | Represents altered work times that occur on a regular schedule. (e.g. every week, every month, every second year). |
CCalendarExceptionID | |
CCalendarID | |
CIAggregatedElementProgressCostProvider | |
CIAggregatedElementProgressQuantityProvider | |
CIAggregatedElementProgressValueProvider | |
CIReadOnlyTaskPredefinedPropertyCollection | Represents a read-only collection of predefined Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskPropertys. |
CIReadOnlyTaskPredefinedPropertyDefinitionCollection | Represents a read-only collection of predefined Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskPropertyDefinitions. |
CIReadOnlyTaskPropertyCollection | Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskPropertys. |
CIReadOnlyTaskPropertyDefinitionCollection | Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskPropertyDefinitions. |
CIScheduleTasks | Represents a collection of all tasks within the Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Schedule. |
CITaskRelationCollection | Represents a collection of Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskRelations. |
CSchedule | Represents a schedule (collection) of Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Tasks. |
CScheduleID | |
CScheduleResource | Represents material, labor or equipment utilized to perform work on elements. |
CScheduleTaskPropertyDefinitions | Represents a collection of all task property definitions that are contained within the schedule. |
CTask | Represents an identifiable unit of work to be carried out in a construction project. |
CTaskActivity | Represents cost and time estimation assigned to a group of elements based on calculated quantities. |
CTaskActivityElements | |
CTaskBooleanProperty | Represents a property which stores a boolean value (true or false). |
CTaskCalendar | |
CTaskConstraint | Represents time constraint used by time engine to calculate the task's start and finish dates. |
CTaskCost | |
CTaskDateTimeProperty | Represents a property which holds a date time value. |
CTaskElement | Represents an identifiable unit of work to be carried out on a single element. |
CTaskElements | |
CTaskID | |
CTaskLinkRules | Represents a collection of task link rules. Task link rules define how the task is associated with the elements. |
CTaskNumericProperty | Represents a property which holds a numerical value. |
CTaskProperties | Represents a collection of all task properties that are contained within the task. |
CTaskProperty | Represents a base type for all other task properties. |
CTaskPropertyDefinition | Represents a base object for all properties within a Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Schedule. |
CTaskPropertyDefinitionID | A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskPropertyDefinition within a single Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Schedule. |
CTaskRelation | Represents a single relation between a predecessor and successor Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Task. |
CTaskRelationID | |
CTaskRelations | Represents a collection of all predecessor and successor task relations within the Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Task. |
CTaskTextProperty | Represents a property which holds a string value. |
▶NSelectionSets | |
CIReadOnlySelectionSetCollection | Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.SelectionSets.SelectionSets. |
CIReadOnlySelectionSetFolderCollection | Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.SelectionSets.SelectionSetFolders. |
CISelectionSetCollection | Represents a collection of Bexel.Api.SelectionSets.SelectionSets. |
CISelectionSetFolderCollection | Represents a collection of Bexel.Api.SelectionSets.SelectionSetFolders. |
CReadOnlySelectionSetCollection | |
CReadOnlySelectionSetFolderCollection | |
CSelectionSet | Represents a group (collection) of Bexel.Api.Elements. |
CSelectionSetCollection | |
CSelectionSetElements | Represents a collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.SelectionSets.SelectionSet. |
CSelectionSetFolder | Represents a group (collection) of Bexel.Api.SelectionSets.SelectionSets. |
CSelectionSetFolderCollection | |
CSelectionSetFolderElements | Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.SelectionSets.SelectionSetFolder. |
CSelectionSetFolderID | A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.SelectionSets.SelectionSetFolder within a single Bexel.Api.Project. |
CSelectionSetID | A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.SelectionSets.SelectionSet within a single Bexel.Api.Project. |
CSelectionSetsChangedEventArgs | Represents the event arguments passed when selection sets are modified. |
CAABB3D | Represents an axis-aligned bounding box in 3-dimensional space. |
CApiException | Represents the base type for all other API exceptions. |
CApiObject | Represents a base type for all other API objects. API object is a managed wrapper around a native data object. |
CApplication | Represents a host application, providing access to various app related events, methods and the active Bexel.Api.Project. |
CApplicationUI | Represents the UI part of the host application. |
CBuilding | Represents a single building within a Bexel.Api.Project. |
CBuildingElements | Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.Building. |
CBuildingID | A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Building within a single Bexel.Api.Project. |
CBuildingProperties | Represents a collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.Building. |
CBuildingStorey | Represents a single storey within a Bexel.Api.Building. |
CBuildingStoreyElements | Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.BuildingStorey. |
CBuildingStoreyID | A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.BuildingStorey within a single Bexel.Api.Project. |
CBuildingStoreyProperties | Represents a collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.BuildingStorey. |
CBuildingStoreys | Represents a read-only collection of storeys within the Bexel.Api.Building. |
CCategory | Represents an Bexel.Api.Element category, such as Wall or Beam. |
CCategoryElements | Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.Category. |
CCategoryFamilies | Represents a read-only collection of families within the Bexel.Api.Category. |
CCategoryID | A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Category within a single Bexel.Api.Project. |
CDockableApiControlNotFoundException | An exception that is thrown when the specified dockable control wasn't found. |
CElement | Represents a single element within a Bexel.Api.Project. E.g. a Wall or a Beam instance. |
CElementGeometry | Represents the geometrical representation associated with the element. |
CElementID | A unique identification for an Bexel.Api.Element within a single Bexel.Api.Project. |
CElementMaterials | Represents a read-only collection of materials within the Bexel.Api.Element. |
CElementProperties | Represents a collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.Element. |
CElementRelation | Represents a single relation between a relating (from) and related (to) Bexel.Api.Element. |
CElementRelations | Represents a read-only collection of relations within the Bexel.Api.Element. |
CElementRelationTypeExtender | |
CElementSettings | Represents all settings associated with the Bexel.Api.Element. |
CElementSettingsViewer3D | Represents all 3D viewer settings associated with the Bexel.Api.Element. |
CElementSource | Represents a single source of Bexel.Api.Elements. |
CElementSourceElements | Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.ElementSource. |
CElementSourceID | A unique identification for an Bexel.Api.ElementSource within a single Bexel.Api.Project. |
CElementSourceProperties | Represents a read-only collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.ElementSource. |
CElementSystem | Represents a single MEP system which groups one or many Bexel.Api.Elements. |
CElementSystemElements | Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.ElementSystem. |
CElementSystemID | A unique identification for an Bexel.Api.ElementSystem within a single Bexel.Api.Project. |
CElementSystemProperties | Represents a read-only collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.ElementSystem. |
CFamily | Represents a family (type) of an Bexel.Api.Element. |
CFamilyElements | Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.Family. |
CFamilyID | A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Family within a single Bexel.Api.Project. |
CFamilyMaterialLayers | Represents a read-only collection of material layers within the Bexel.Api.Family. |
CFamilyMaterials | Represents a read-only collection of materials within the Bexel.Api.Family. |
CFamilyProperties | Represents a collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.Family. |
CGeometry | |
CGloballyUniqueID | Represents a globally unique identifier (GUID). |
CIActiveProvider | Represents provider for the active item of a collection. |
CIAddInContext | Represents the context in which the add-in is executed in. |
CIAggregatedElementCostProvider | |
CIAggregatedElementQuantityProvider | |
CIAggregatedElementValueProvider | Represents provider for a value which is aggregated over many elements (e.g. cost or quantity assigned to a group of elements). See also Bexel.Api.IAggregatedElementValueProviderExtender. |
CIAggregatedElementValueProviderExtender | Provides a set of static overloads for specifying a group of elements for which the aggregated value is provided. |
CIdentifiableApiObject | Represents a base type for all API objects that are identified via id. |
CIDockableControl | Represents a dockable control in the host application UI. |
CIEnumerableExtender | |
CIExternalApplication | Represents the external application add-in. |
CIExternalCommand | Represents the external command add-in. |
CIGeometry | Represents a geometrical representation of an object. It is usually comprised of vertices/triangles but can also contain lines/edges (wireframe geometry). |
CInstancedGeometry | Represents a geometrical representation of an object which is an instance of another Bexel.Api.Geometry with applied transform. |
CInvalidApiArgumentException | The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid |
CInvalidApiObjectException | The exception that is thrown when the invalid Bexel.Api.ApiObject is referenced. |
CInvalidApiOperationException | The exception that is thrown when a method call is invalid for the object's current state. |
CIProjectSchedules | |
CIPropertyCollection | Represents a collection of Bexel.Api.Propertys. |
CIReadOnlyElementCollection | Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.Elements. |
CIReadOnlyElementSystemCollection | Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.ElementSystems. |
CIReadOnlyMaterialCollection | Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.Materials. |
CIReadOnlyPropertyCollection | Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.Propertys. |
CIReadOnlyPropertyDefinitionCollection | Represents a read-only collection of Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinitions. |
CIRibbonButton | Represents a button in the ribbon UI. |
CIRibbonElement | Represents an element in the ribbon UI. |
CIRibbonGroup | Represents a group in the ribbon UI. |
CIRibbonTab | Represents a tab in the ribbon UI. |
CIUIApplication | Represents the UI part of the host application. |
CIUIApplicationDockableControls | Contains logic for embedding add-in user interface controls within the host application user interface layout. |
CMaterial | Represents a single material assigned to an Bexel.Api.Element. |
CMaterialID | A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Material within a single Bexel.Api.Project. |
CMaterialLayer | Represents a single material layer within an Bexel.Api.Element. |
CMaterialProperties | Represents a collection of properties within the Bexel.Api.Material. |
COBB3D | Represents an object oriented bounding box in 3-dimensional space. |
CProject | Represents a single project, the root of all other objects such as buildings, elements, properties, etc. |
CProjectBuildings | Represents a read-only collection of buildings within the Bexel.Api.Project. |
CProjectCategories | Represents a read-only collection of categories within the Bexel.Api.Project. |
CProjectClosedEventArgs | Represents the event arguments passed when the project closes. |
CProjectClosingEventArgs | Represents the event arguments passed when the project is closing. |
CProjectCost | Represents all cost information within the Bexel.Api.Project. |
CProjectElementRelations | Represents a read-only collection of element relations within the Bexel.Api.Project. |
CProjectElements | Represents a read-only collection of elements within the Bexel.Api.Project. |
CProjectElementSources | Represents a read-only collection of element sources within the Bexel.Api.Project. |
CProjectElementSystems | Represents a read-only collection of element systems within the Bexel.Api.Project. |
CProjectFamilies | Represents a read-only collection of families within the Bexel.Api.Project. |
CProjectFileStorage | Represents file storage for storing additional files (e.g. add-in inputs, outputs, etc.) within the Bexel.Api.Project. |
CProjectID | A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.Project. |
CProjectMaterials | Represents a read-only collection of materials within the Bexel.Api.Project. |
CProjectOpenedEventArgs | Represents the event arguments passed when the project opens. |
CProjectPropertyDefinition | Represents a read-only collection of property definitions within the Bexel.Api.Project. |
CProjectSavedEventArgs | Represents the event arguments passed when the project saves. |
CProjectSelectionSets | Represents a collection of all selection sets within the Bexel.Api.Project. |
CPropertiesChangedEventArgs | Represents the event arguments passed when properties are modified. |
CProperty | Represents a base type for all other properties. |
CPropertyBool | Represents a property which stores a boolean value (true or false). |
CPropertyCollection | |
CPropertyColor | Represents a property which holds a color value. |
CPropertyDateTime | Represents a property which holds a date time value. |
CPropertyDefinition | Represents a base object for all properties within a Bexel.Api.Project. |
CPropertyDefinitionID | A unique identification for a Bexel.Api.PropertyDefinition within a single Bexel.Api.Project. |
CPropertyNumeric | Represents a property which holds a numerical value. |
CPropertyNumericExpresion | Represents a property which holds a numerical value evaluated by an expression. |
CPropertyString | Represents a property which holds a string value. |
CPropertyTimeSpan | Represents a property which holds a time span value. |
CReadOnlyElementCollection | |
CReadOnlyMaterialCollection | |
CReadOnlyPropertyCollection | |
CSegment3D | Represents a segment in 3-dimensional space. |
CSelectedElementsCollection | Represents a read-only collection of selected elements. |
CSelection | Represents the current selection. |
CSelectionChangedEventArgs | Represents the event arguments passed when current selection is modified. |
CTriangle3D | Represents a triangle in 3-dimensional space. |
CVector3D | Represents a vector in 3-dimensional space. |
CViewer3D | Returns instance of the 3D Viewer within the host application. |
CEventArgs | |
CException | |
CIDisposable | |
CIEnumerable | |
CIEqualityComparer | |
CIEquatable | |
CIEquatable< IdentifiableApiObject< TId >> | |
CIReadOnlyCollection | |
CIReadOnlyDictionary | |
CISelectionClient | |