Bexel Manager API Documentation
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CBexel.Api.AABB3DRepresents an axis-aligned bounding box in 3-dimensional space.
 CBexel.Api.ApiObjectRepresents a base type for all other API objects. API object is a managed wrapper around a native data object.
 CBexel.Api.ApplicationRepresents a host application, providing access to various app related events, methods and the active Bexel.Api.Project.
 CBexel.Api.ApplicationUIRepresents the UI part of the host application.
 CBexel.Api.Scheduling.CalendarDailyWorkingHoursRepresents a collection of all daily working hours within the Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Calendar.
 CBexel.Api.Cost.CostVersionChangedEventArgsRepresents the event arguments passed when cost version is modified.
 CBexel.Api.ElementRelationRepresents a single relation between a relating (from) and related (to) Bexel.Api.Element.
 CBexel.Api.ElementSettingsRepresents all settings associated with the Bexel.Api.Element.
 CBexel.Api.ElementSettingsViewer3DRepresents all 3D viewer settings associated with the Bexel.Api.Element.
 CBexel.Api.IActiveProvider< T >Represents provider for the active item of a collection.
 CBexel.Api.IActiveProvider< CostVersion >
 CBexel.Api.IActiveProvider< Schedule >
 CBexel.Api.IAddInContextRepresents the context in which the add-in is executed in.
 CBexel.Api.IAggregatedElementValueProviderRepresents provider for a value which is aggregated over many elements (e.g. cost or quantity assigned to a group of elements). See also Bexel.Api.IAggregatedElementValueProviderExtender.
 CBexel.Api.IAggregatedElementValueProviderExtenderProvides a set of static overloads for specifying a group of elements for which the aggregated value is provided.
 CBexel.Api.IdentifiableApiObject< CalendarExceptionID >
 CBexel.Api.IdentifiableApiObject< CalendarID >
 CBexel.Api.IdentifiableApiObject< ScheduleID >
 CBexel.Api.IdentifiableApiObject< TaskID >
 CBexel.Api.IdentifiableApiObject< TaskPropertyDefinitionID >
 CBexel.Api.IdentifiableApiObject< TaskRelationID >
 CBexel.Api.IDockableControlRepresents a dockable control in the host application UI.
 CIEquatable< IdentifiableApiObject< TId >>
 CBexel.Api.IExternalApplicationRepresents the external application add-in.
 CBexel.Api.IExternalCommandRepresents the external command add-in.
 CBexel.Api.IGeometryRepresents a geometrical representation of an object. It is usually comprised of vertices/triangles but can also contain lines/edges (wireframe geometry).
 CBexel.Api.IRibbonElementRepresents an element in the ribbon UI.
 CBexel.Api.IUIApplicationRepresents the UI part of the host application.
 CBexel.Api.IUIApplicationDockableControlsContains logic for embedding add-in user interface controls within the host application user interface layout.
 CBexel.Api.MaterialLayerRepresents a single material layer within an Bexel.Api.Element.
 CBexel.Api.OBB3DRepresents an object oriented bounding box in 3-dimensional space.
 CBexel.Api.ProjectCostRepresents all cost information within the Bexel.Api.Project.
 CBexel.Api.ProjectFileStorageRepresents file storage for storing additional files (e.g. add-in inputs, outputs, etc.) within the Bexel.Api.Project.
 CBexel.Api.ReadOnlyElementCollection< TaskElement >
 CBexel.Api.Scheduling.ScheduleResourceRepresents material, labor or equipment utilized to perform work on elements.
 CBexel.Api.Segment3DRepresents a segment in 3-dimensional space.
 CBexel.Api.SelectionRepresents the current selection.
 CBexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskActivityRepresents cost and time estimation assigned to a group of elements based on calculated quantities.
 CBexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskConstraintRepresents time constraint used by time engine to calculate the task's start and finish dates.
 CBexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskLinkRulesRepresents a collection of task link rules. Task link rules define how the task is associated with the elements.
 CBexel.Api.Scheduling.TaskRelationsRepresents a collection of all predecessor and successor task relations within the Bexel.Api.Scheduling.Task.
 CBexel.Api.Triangle3DRepresents a triangle in 3-dimensional space.
 CBexel.Api.Viewer3DReturns instance of the 3D Viewer within the host application.